
We use a range of natural and beneficial ingredients at Bare Naked Body 

No Palm Oil in our soaps!!!

We understand that some people choose not to use or consume any palm oil products and as such, Bare Naked Body has a variety of luxurious and natural palm oil free soaps.   

Locally sourced Ingredients

At Bare Naked Body, we try to source our ingredients locally where possible. 

The Olive Oil used in soaps and products is sourced from the beautiful Margaret River region of Western Australia. It has low food mile and is much fresher than anything you will find on the supermarket shelf.

The honey used in the Exfoliating Honey & Wheatgerm Bar is from the “Highway Honeyman” located  South West of Perth and the Goat’s milk is local Busselton Goats milk.

The Tea Tree and Eucalyptus Bar also features West Australian Eucalyptus essential oil.

Bare Naked Body intends to further source local ingredients where available.
