

You may not duplicate any portion of this website, including text, images and layout. All material including the web page design, the text and the images is Copyright © Bare Naked Body Pty Ltd and may not be reproduced in whole or part of without the prior written permission of Bare Naked Body Pty Ltd.

If you wish to reproduce or reprint anything from this site, please email us, to avoid any issues. 


The Bare Naked Body product content is provided is for informational purposes only. Bare Naked Body products are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.

Bare Naked Body makes no claims as to the specific uses and properties of products and essential oils. Bare Naked Body does not give, or declare to give, any medical advice and is not qualified to do so. A licensed physician should always be consulted before undertaking any alternative therapy.

No liability is taken by Bare Naked Body or its employees, owners or affiliates for any claims arising out of the misuse or otherwise of our products.

Our products are for the skin AND are not to be consumed (but, enjoyed!).